The invitation finally arrived. Common sense tells us it should not have taken as long as it did, but the reality is that supermajority power grabs delayed its arrival.
Through an ordinance passed by Fishers City Council on January 18, 2022, I was invited to sit on the Budget and Finance Committee and Non-Profit Committee. I will take my seat on those committees immediately. I am also pleased to share that fellow Democrat, Dr. Crystal Neumann has been appointed to serve on the Rules Committee. The new ordinance requires that council members elected to office – – even if they happen to be part of a minority party – – are to be included on those committees.
Two years of emails, on-the-record public forums, community encounters with City Council peers, at service in Council Chambers at City Hall, I championed transparency and a welcome for diverse voices to be heard. Finally, the change is here and I consider it a win for voters.
The new ordinance also implements a formal procedure for citizen appointments to city boards and commissions. When I made the promise to you to build trust between citizens and government, this is the kind of accountability and access I planned to deliver. This new openness is a service for the residents in our community.
I know the action is a new approach for those currently in power. Together we will continue to hold them accountable.
As a public servant, transparency is a core value I carry in my work on your behalf. I carry it with me as a member of City Council and as your candidate for Indiana State Senate District 31.
Yours in Service,
Indiana State Senate Candidate District 31