Strengthening public education in Indiana is at the forefront of my priorities.
It’s personal to me –my children attended Hamilton Southeastern schools in Fishers from kindergarten through high school and both of my parents were public school educators. Mom and Dad inspired students to be independent thinkers and empowered them with tools for their futures. They led the way for thousands of Hoosiers, myself included. In addition to the teachers in my home and classrooms, every day I carry lessons from public servants whose leadership is or was defined by the people they serve.
In one specific case, I literally carry the lesson with me. I keep a copy of former Indiana Governor Joe Kernan’s “The Ten Commandments” of public service at my desk. The neatness and precision of his handwriting gave him high marks in penmanship for sure, but it is his focus on serving the people of Indiana that speaks to me as an elected official. He reminds me that YOU are the customer and “every thought, word and deed” begins and ends with you.
The importance of listening to and learning from people around you was instilled in me by my parents and sticks with me to this day. I am fortunate that the family of teachers in my life extended beyond my home and classrooms. I promise to honor their lessons and legacies through my work for you as your State Senator.
Yours in Service,
Indiana State Senate Candidate, District 31