I love our city and I am grateful to work for YOU as an At-Large member of the Fishers City Council. I listen to your feedback about our city and I amplify your voice.

Your Priority:
Prompt and Complete Road Improvements
My Priority:
Completion of State Road 37 & 141th St as it was promised and fixing up the “everyday” roads quickly. This is a basic city expectation that should be met to citizens’ satisfaction.

Your Priority:
Responsible City Spending
My Priority:
Lowering tax burden on Fishers households and demanding spending accountability. I was the only one to vote No on the new Food & Beverage Tax because it was irresponsible.

Your Priority:
Disciplined Growth
My Priority:
A precise and thoughtful vision for new development, bulldozing and redevelopment, which is long overdue. Attainable housing options and small business needs can no longer be ignored

Your Priority:
Good Government
My Priority:
Balance, accountability and transparency in our city government. As a Democrat and a collaborator, I am uniquely qualified to ask the tough questions of our Mayor.

Your Priority:
A City To Be Proud Of
My Priority:
An end to the recent wave of bad decisions that disappoint our citizens and harm our community. Fishers is for everyone!
What is on your mind about our city? Tell me at jocelyn@jocelynvareforfishers.com or 317-250-7493.
You get to decide the future of Fishers now!
When you VOTE VARE ON NOV 7, you can count on me to keep working for what you need in Fishers.
Will you make a donation to my campaign, please? DONATE HERE