The below update was sent to State Road 37 business owners today by the City of Fishers’ longstanding communications vendor. This news is an update following the announcement a few months ago that the completion of the 141st Street interchange (the final phase of the SR 37 Improvement Project) was delayed. Background: The City of Fishers declined the bids last summer because of high construction costs, as reported by the Indianapolis Star in this article.
Today’s New 141st Street Update
- 141st St. will be constructed as an interchange featuring the round-a-bout design with exit ramps onto east and westbound 141st from SR37 as originally planned
- Utility work has already begun and will continue through Spring 2023
- The interchange will be “let” (a new request for bids) in the Fall 2023
- The construction timeline with anticipated completion of the interchange will be announced after the bid is accepted
- An interim phase to improve traffic flow at 141st St and SR37 and prepare for further construction will be put in place as early as this December (HSE Schools’ winter break) and will be in place until the new construction begins. See below for details on this Interim Phase.
- The Hamilton Southeastern Schools and Emergency Services have been coordinated with on this interim phase and accommodations are being coordinated to minimize impacts.
The Interim Phase at 141st St and SR37 to Begin this December 2022
During this interim phase, 141st St will be transitioned to a Right-In-Right-Out (RIRO) traffic configuration. This is not the permanent configuration. This will allow for traffic to flow more freely along SR37 until the next phases of construction can be activated. This will eliminate all backups along SR37 that have caused dangerous stops to the free flow traffic and backups on the 146th street interchange. Again, this is not the permanent configuration for 141st St.
For more information, visit https://37thrives.com/updates
(This website hasn’t yet been updated with today’s update)